February 12, 2013

Be Gentle.

Just a quick update with a screen cap. Of code.

Actual shots coming this week ;-)

February 5, 2013

AGE 3 part 2

Hey again,

I'd like to tell something about the engine, current state and it's purpose of existence.

AGE, as you might know, is acronym of Autumn Graphics Engine and it is written in C++ on top of OpenGL and some other APIs. It is designed to become a close-to-edge engine with all the 'basic' features of current-gen engines - deferred rendering, shader-based pipeline and accompanied with "factory" shaders for HDR, tonemapping, bloom, normal mapping, shadow mapping, sub surface scattering, SSAO and others. I'm aiming on designing the shaders so, that I just enable features for an object and then automatically choose correct one to use. On the otherhand I could also write few super-shaders that have everything packed into them.

At this moment, I'm rewriting it's basic structure for the millionth time. Probably the only thing that hasn't changed is the math functions, such as vector, matrixe and euler classes. I have also the basic pipeline laid out so I can hopefully make quick iterations and extend the engine as freely as I want.

Why do this? Why not just use available engines and extend them or use Unity (or other package) to make games or learn stuff?

Welll... Mainly because I want to know how engines work. I'm like that. Give me a pen and it's in pieces after few seconds. Then I reassemble it. Repeat. Usually when I play games I'm constantly thinking how this and that was achieved. Without having working platform, I haven't been able to recreate them like I want to. Using existing engines or packages will limit what I can do and requires a certain learning curve to use. Luckily I learn things quickly, so I usually make prototypes and brainstorm using Unity.

So I'm making a graphics engine to be used for my personal experiements because I want to learn new things.

Next post will (hopefully) have screenshots too. Of spheres.

Wutata out.