May 28, 2010

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I just got back home, and I'll start to work on the massive post / update and so on tommorow. I try to get you guys something REAL about this engine. Probabilites are high that I get you something around sunday-monday vector. Sorry for the delay.

While waiting for it, please check BlendELF for something awesome. It's a new, but fairly powerful and nice engine.

EDIT: For today I will keep rollin' Aion while you keep hatin'. ... If anyone is even reading any of this. -> which comes to a question:

Q: How many of you are even slightly interested in this engine project? The more answers the more dedication I will put to this engine.

May 16, 2010

Update rarity?

I haven't been updating here since I haven't really done much for it. I'm pretty stumped with military. For the next two weeks I will be away, which means no way going to get you updates.

What I've done up 'til now:

PAK usage pipeline:
importPAK(...) // Imports index of PAK
loadSingleAsset(...) // Loads single asset from PAK
loadMultipleAssets(...) // Loads multiple assets from PAK

and multiple (20+) other functions for it. Those three are the most used ones though.

Trying out new style.

I'm going to post few test cases which show how the asset system is used.

TODO list updates:
+ memory pool system
+ OpenMP integration + other multithreading crap

COULDHAS list updates:
+ Game engine plugin system

Please be patient. I will make a monster update when I get back after two weeks.