I slight handy faq for those who care at all of this engine:
Q: Are you working on the engine? There's no updates!
A: YES. I am. I'm currently going through some personal stuff.
Q: Why haven't you updated!?
A: Because there's still nothing really interesting happened.
Q: What's "AGE"?
A: Acronym for Autumn Graphics Engine. Engine used for game development.
Q: I've heard stories of "AGEs", what's that?
A: Acronym for Autumn Graphics Engine subversion. Used when the engine structure is extended and/or modified to fit game's needs. Normally subversions have their own codename.
Q: What's the current status of AGE?
A: Lighting and textures are implemented, still fighting with spotlights.
Q: What will you do next?
A: Material pipeline.
Q: Why should I give a crap of this engine?
A: It's versatile, extendable, modifiable and absolutely not overgeneric free engine with LUA, XML and Python scripting support. Comes with full source.
Q: Why both LUA and Python?
A: I'm not sure yet which one I will use as primary. Both have their pros and cons.
Q: Xml?
A: XML yes. Used for materials and some other features I will explain later.
Extra, extra!
Q: Why are the updates so slow!?
A: Because I'm currently attending military. It swallows 71.43% of my free time.